We are nothing without our health, so it is very important to make sure we keep on top of ours. For all our new friends out there, these queer Munich health care resources are some you should know!
Whatever your health care needs may be, here is an excellent roundup of some great resources to make sure you are taken care of in mind, body, and spirit.
Table of Contents
Queermed Deutschland

Queermed is a directory of all of Germany’s queer-friendly and sensitized doctors, therapists and practices.
What makes this directory great is it has bee populated by patients who have been treated, meaning what makes these professionals qualified is how they’ve been received, not just how they look on paper.
The directory is for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and you can find recommendations here.
Learn More Here: On their website
Queer Therapists For 1:1 Support
Brenna Fritz

A professional therapist with focuses on depression and anxiety, trauma, sexuality and more, Brenna Fritz is a trusted source for everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community with one-on-one and couples therapy sessions that can be done in person or over zoom.
Learn More Here: On her website
Miranda Ala

Miranda Ala is a queer psychotherapeutic alternative practitioner and music therapist. She employs classical psychotherapeutic practices, and her intimate understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community makes her an excellent resource to come to for help.
Learn More Here: On her website
Queer Counseling Group & Peer Support

Trans-Ident eV is a non-profit organization of self-help groups and regular gatherings. It is primarily focused on creating a welcoming space for trans, non-binary and inter* people navigating their paths.
The goal is to provide help to those who don’t fully identify with their assigned gender at birth, and to assist individuals and their families on their transformative journeys. You can find more information here.
Learn More Here: On their website

For the non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, neutrois, bigender, in-between, and agender, Qties is a self-organized group for non-binary people.
Everyone who is open to genderqueer possibilities and ideas is welcome here! With the goal of having a safe space to discuss the current structures in our lives, online and in person meetings are available to book here!
Learn More Here: On their website

The RosaAlter team is a congregation of social workers and individuals from similar professional backgrounds who identify with the LGBTQIA+* community.
The team operates an advice and networking centre dedicated to supporting seniors within the LGBTQIA+* spectrum and addressing various concerns related to the aging process. For more information, check out their website here.
Learn More Here: On their website

LeTRa, or Lesbian(T)Space, is a physical space and advice centre for lesbians. It works to address discrimination and violence against lesbians, emerging from the Autonomous Women’s Lesbian Movement, recognizing lesbian lifestyles in a broader context of power relations.
From budding lesbians to those several seasons in, if you need a place to talk about your experiences and help moving forward, LeTRa is here for you (and their website is HERE for you).
Learn More Here: On their website
Queer Munich Health Care: Medical Support
Münchner Aids Hilfe

Münchner Aids-Hilfe eV is Germany’s first regional AIDS aid organization, initially arising from gay self-help in 1984.
Evolving with the changing landscape of HIV/AIDS, they now offer diverse services, including HIV/STI advice and testing, support for the LGBTQIA+ community (places like rosaAlter and Trans-Ident), assistance for drug users and migrants.
They also provide support for job market reintegration through their conference centre and Café-which by the way is also a great spot to enjoy regular drag brunches!
Learn More Here: On their Website
Women’s Health Center

For over three decades, the Women’s Health Center has dedicated itself to health education and comprehensive, independent counselling for women and girls.
Their focus covers personal assistance from on an individual level all the way up to political advocacy to amplify the visibility of women’s health concerns. The Women’s Health Center a secure environment that fosters exchange and support among women, for women.
Learn More Here: On their website
Queer Munich Health Care: STI Testing

Sub offers guidance, testing, and information to gay, bisexual, and trans* men covering aspects of sexuality, health, desire, and well-being. This initiative is government supported and all tests are free and anonymous!
Learn More Here: On their website
Gesundheitsreferat der Landeshauptstadt München
The Health Department of Munich offers free and confidential advice on HIV and STIs, risk assessment, protection, and treatment.
Free services include advice, examinations, and findings notifications by phone or in person, with an optional HIV rapid test option that costs 26 euros. The city also offer outreach in hard-to-reach groups, public relations through information stands, events, and lectures.
These services are available to everyone from all communities.
Learn More Here: On their website
Looking For Other Queer Munich Health Care Resources?
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